Tag - hackathon

LASER-CGDV Colombia Hackathon Results

LASER PULSE, in collaboration with QED, Data Elevates, Tableau, and the USAID Mission in Colombia, is pleased to announce the winners of our data visualization hackathon.  The past few months have shown us the added importance of data analysis and data visualization in international development, and we want to thank everyone who participated in...

LASER-CGDV Colombia Hackathon

LASER PULSE is conducting a data visualization hackathon in collaboration with the Center for Global Data Visualization (an initiative of QED), the USAID Mission in Colombia, Data Elevates, and Tableau. More than 220 students from at least 9 universities (including Purdue, Notre Dame, and 5 universities in Colombia) worked in teams of 2-4 people to produce informative data...

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