Tag - Colombia

Photo credit: Alison Harding, USAID/BHA

Colombia Awards Addressing Integrated Rural Development and Venezuela Migration Response

Two projects in Colombia have launched, focusing on (1) Integrated Rural Development and (2) Venezuela Migration Response, following a LASER PULSE RFA in Spring 2020. These awards will last for a period of two years. Read more about projects through individual links below or at http://qa.laserpulse.org/research-projects. Diversity, Memory and Biocultural Rights: Mechanisms for Common-Unity Protectionand...

Colombia, Vietnam and Ethiopia Awards Update

Colombia The Colombia RFA was announced February 7, 2020 in the sector areas of: YouthVenezuela migration responseIntegrated Rural Development The Colombia award process is continuing to refine selected proposals, review budget requests and obtain necessary documentation  with regard to IRB, Assessment of Environmental Consequences and Mission concurrence. One of the awards have been fully executed, with an...

LASER-CGDV Colombia Hackathon

LASER PULSE is conducting a data visualization hackathon in collaboration with the Center for Global Data Visualization (an initiative of QED), the USAID Mission in Colombia, Data Elevates, and Tableau. More than 220 students from at least 9 universities (including Purdue, Notre Dame, and 5 universities in Colombia) worked in teams of 2-4 people to produce informative data...

LASER PULSE Call for Applications for Colombia Now Open

LASER PULSE Consortium is pleased to announce that the Request for Application (RFA) for Colombia is now open and accepting Concept Notes until Friday, March 13, 2020 at 5:00PM Colombia time. The RFA calls for innovative research and associated research translation with NGOs/civil society focused on development challenges within three development sectors:     Youth,...

Research for Development (R4D) Conferences: What are they and why are they important?

LASER PULSE wants to see researchers working on development problems. For example, we want to figure out how to provide jobs for young people in places around the world where youth unemployment is high. We want to make sure these young people don’t feel that they have to resort to violence because they have...

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