Tanzania Early Grade Social and Emotional Skills and Phonics-Based Literacy Learning Agenda

Tanzania Early Grade Social and Emotional Skills and Phonics-Based Literacy Learning Agenda

Project Description

Research Team


Dr Pambas Basil Tandika
Dr Pambas Basil Tandika
Senior Lecturer
The University of Dodoma
Email: tpambas@gmail.com


Dr. Placidius Ndibalema
Dr. Placidius Ndibalema
Senior Lecturer
The University of Dodoma
Email: ndibaplac@yahoo.com

Embedded Research Translation Lead:
Dr Pambas Basil Tandika
Project Principal Investigator
The University of Dodoma

Project Information

Title of Project: Tanzania Early Grade Social and Emotional Skills and Phonics-Based Literacy Learning Agenda

Sector: Education

Country: Tanzania

Lead Institution:    Purdue University  

Final Budget:    $1,061,309

Project Length:  26 months

Research Objective:

The project objective is to obtain evidence that will help in improving the quality of early grade with particular focus on improving school safety and use of phonics-based literacy instruction.

Project Description:

This research project intends to collect evidence on the integration of the social and emotional skills in the daily classroom and home practices. It is further expected that the research team will collect data on the phonics-based literacy instruction. In both areas of focus to this research, it expected that evidence obtained will support in attainment of the national policy objectives, the Tanzania Education and Training Policy [TETP] of 2014, National Development Vision of 2025, and the National Strategy for Inclusive education 2018-2021. The research project will be implemented in 10 regions with the focus of 50 primary schools [30 of the 50 primary schools being from the regions where RTI Tusome Pamoja implemented its project; and other 20 schools will be sampled from other regions

Embedded Research Translation Product: This project will produce reports on Social-Emotional Learning and Phonics in Tanzanian schools, as well as workshops, papers, and policy briefs making Tanzanian audiences aware of the status of these two areas of research. Activities to date have included stakeholder events with participation Tanzanian parents, teachers, leaders from teacher training programs, and education bureau officials.

Project Details

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