Research Team
Vu Dang Toan, PhD, Plant Breeder
Head of Research Planning and International Cooperation Department
Plant Resources Center
Do Manh Thu, MsC, Plant Breeder
Vice head of Seed Multiplication and Evaluation Division
Plant Resources Center
Ho Thi Minh, MsC, Plant Breeder
Researcher at Research Planning and International Cooperation Department
Plant Resources Center
Le Thi Loan, MsC, Genebank Currator
Vice Head of Genebank and PRC data management
Plant Resources Center
Do Thi Phuong, Taxonomist
Researcher at Research Planning and International Cooperation Department
Plant Resources Center
Vu Dang Tuong, Bacherlor, Bioinformative
Head of Research Planning and International Cooperation Department
Plant Resources Center
Nicholas Shell
Global Project Manager: Asia
Seawater Solutions
Embedded Research Translation Lead:
Nicholas Shell
Vy Nguyen
Quality Assurance Director
Seawater Solutions
Supporting Partner(s):
Jorge F.S. Ferreira
Research Plant Physiologist, Ph.D.
US Salinity Laboratory (USSL)
Devinder Sandhu
Research Geneticist, Ph.D.
US Salinity Laboratory (USSL)
Todd Skaggs
Research Leader, Ph.D.
US Salinity Laboratory (USSL)
Project Information
Title of Project: Conservation and Introduction of Naturally Salt-Tolerant Crops in Coastal Provinces
Sector: Water pollution including research to support the design, implementation, and evaluation of SME policies
Country: Vietnam
Lead Institution: Plant Resources Center
Co-PI Institution: Seawater Solutions
Partner(s): US Salinity Laboratory (USSL)
Final Budget: $ 217,012.30
Project Length: 24 months
Research Objective:
Our overall objective is to develop incentives for farmers to invest in pollution control measures that conserve freshwater resources, enhance the productivity of underutilized crops with natural tolerance to high salinities, and reduce the discharge of untreated water into public water bodies.
The conservation and introduction of naturally salt-tolerant crops to cooperative farms are intended to enhance the genetic diversity of crops produced by coastal farmers, thus building resilience among agricultural communities against the effects of climate change
Project Description:
This program will collect, evaluate, and select naturally salt-tolerant crops with commercial cultivation potential, conduct their trials on independently-owned, small-scale farms to reduce demand for freshwater among agricultural communities, and develop commercial incentives to invest in pollution control measures. Moreover, the native halophyte species will be conserved using both ex-situ and in-situ conservation methods to increase the diversity of crops cultivated by independent small-scale farmers. Activities include a survey of coastal ecosystems to understand the distribution of naturally occurring halophyte species that already exist in Vietnam, cultivation trials with these species in collaboration with independent vegetable and aquaculture farmers, and development of market outlets for farmers cultivating these products.
Translation activities center around enabling farmers in regions affected by freshwater shortage to independently cultivate a wide range of halophyte crops for commercial use. This can be done by publishing a cultivation manual, hosting farmer training sessions, and engaging farmers in extension service programs. Particular attention will be given to at least 50% women-farmer participation during training sessions and an equal representation of extension staff from both sexes. Establishing commercial outlets for halophyte produce will require the development of a supply chain with a quality verification system and marketing content which advocates for the nutritional contents of halophyte plants, eventually introducing these new crop items to both local and international cuisine
Embedded Research Translation Product:
Integrated halophyte crops in the aquaculture as water pollution control
Biodiversity conservation as in-situ and ex-situ conservation
Embedded Research Translation Audience:
Small farmers, women leaders, and local authorities
- Collection and conservation of two to three native halophyte crops by both ex-situ and in-situ methods.
- Development of a cookbook and a technical manual for the cultivation and production of edible halophytes.
- Signing of a contract among farmers and consumers (4-5) to deliver locally produced halophyte crops.
- Field day with wide participation of local farmers. Anticipated: 100-150 participants (all-gender inclusive) focusing on attracting at least 50% females.