Conflict and Violence Prevention (CVP) Learning Agenda

Conflict and Violence Prevention (CVP) Learning Agenda

Project Description

Co-create and implement a learning agenda for the Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization that establishes the evidence base for effective approaches to armed conflict and violence prevention, identifies opportunities for CVP investments that would produce new knowledge to fill gaps in the existing literature, provides USAID staff with events, tools, resources, and/or guidance to incorporate learning agenda findings into their work, and conducts original research into armed conflict and violence prevention.

The purpose of the learning agenda is to identify 1) the evidence-based programming choices most likely to prevent armed conflict and violence and 2) the priorities for research and further learning to maximize the efficacy and impact of USAID’s conflict and violence prevention work, and address their needs. The approach is to engage stakeholders in order to develop the learning agenda, research and summarize existing evidence, and then reflect, identify, and pursue future research priorities and activities.

Sector: Working in Crises & Conflict

Region: N/A

USAID Operating Unit/Mission: The Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization, Center for Conflict and Violence Prevention (USAID/CPS/CVP)

Buy-In Amount: $1,500,000

Lead Implementer: The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED)

Other Implementer(s): The Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP); American Institutes for Research (AIR)

Duration: 02/01/2021 – 01/31/2023

Upcoming: Continued work toward a strategic outreach plan, a glossary of terms for types of violence and actor types, and collection tools for incorporating user and stakeholder input into the learning agenda. Upon completion, the team will conduct outreach to stakeholders and form a learning advisory group to inform development of the learning agenda.


Project Details

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