Research Team


Margaret Gitau


Margaret W. Gitau, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Purdue University





Nicholas Kiggundu, Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer

Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Makerere University



Subira Eva Munishi, Ph.D.


Department of Water Resources Engineering, College of Eng. and Technology (CoET), University of Dar Es Salaam



Daniel N. Moriasi, Ph.D.

Research Hydrologist

USDA-ARS Grazinglands Research Laboratory




Embedded Research Translation Lead:

Prof Bancy Mbura Mati

Resource Plan Ltd.                    


Mr. James Kisekka

E. Africa office of  Stichting Aidenvirnment (RAIN)                  


Dr. Victor Konga

Country Manager of Global Water Partnership

Project Information

Data-Driven Decision Support for Improved Water Security in East Africa


Water Security    


Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania

Lead Institution:    

Purdue University

Co-PI Institution:    

University of Dar Es Salaam


Makerere University    


Global Water Partnership 

Resource Plan Ltd

Stichting Aidenvironment (RAIN)

Final Budget:    $250,000

Project Length:    24 months

Research Goals:

  1. Develop a broad dataset describing trends and current and future states of water resources in the study region; 
  2. Provide results, data, and base model parameters in such a way that these are easily discoverable, accessible, ready to use, and free; and, 
  3. Provide training to water managers, related personnel, and other stakeholders on the use and interpretation of the results, data, and other materials developed through this project.

Embedded Research Translation Product:

  1. Ready-to-use data products comprising current and future water budgets and associated accounts of extreme occurrences such as very heavy rainfall or dry periods; 
  2. Default model parameter sets that can be used in other areas beyond the study sites; 
  3. A quick- reference report summarizing current and future states of water resources based on water budgets, forecasts, and analysis of shocks; 
  4. Training manuals to help project partners and other end users understand and use the data products, modeling results, and other outputs from this project; and,
  5. Processed climate and water data used in this project to the extent that it is permitted by its original owners. 

Embedded Research Translation audience:

Nile Basin Initiative and African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW)

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