
Request for Applications (RFA) Schedule

LASER PULSE will award approx. 35 grants over the course of a 4-year period (2019-2022), with each award ranging from $50,000 to $250,000 depending upon the duration of proposed research.  Calls for applications will follow each of our semi-annual R4D Conferences for research to be conducted in USAID Partner Countries (UPC).

As a first step, LASER PULSE will place a call for concept notes.  Each entry will be evaluated for its quality and potential impact, and approximately 10 concept notes will be selected in order to invite the submitting research team to supply LASER PULSE with a full research application. Embedded Research Translation (ERT) must explicitly be demonstrated in every proposal to be considered for selection. The ERT model bridges researchers, thought leaders, innovators, and scientists with practitioners on the ground to address development challenges with solutions that are more readily adapted and applied.

Eligibility is restricted to research teams consisting of US and developing country universities partnered with a field-level development practitioner, private sector actor, or a UPC government entity.

Schedule of LASER PULSE R4D Conferences and RFA Opportunities:

Semi-annual 3-day conferences held in rotating regions in USAID countries, click for details:

  1. Kampala, Uganda – May 6-8, 2019 
  2. Bogotá, Colombia – October 1-2, 2019
  3. Vietnam; post-award conference to be held TBD
  4. Ethiopia – Late Summer 2020, TBD
  5. Global RFA (with post-award conference)
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