Harnessing the Power of Nudge in Research Translation: Nudging is a powerful tool in research translation to help your project reach impact. Learn about behavioral economics and the justification for nudging, as well as processes to select and implement a nudge toward achieving a target behavior. Consider applying the use of nudge in your projects to influence behavior change toward the translation and impact you seek.
- Gain an introductory level knowledge on behavioral economics and nudge as it relates to Agile Science.
- Review processes and steps for assessing a behavioral change, selecting a nudge and implementing a nudge to achieve a target behavior.
Simulation in Nudging: After taking Pt. 1, Harnessing the Power of Nudge in Research Translation, apply your newly learned skills in nudging through simulated scenarios. Complete one scenario in healthcare, food security, or education to use key concepts from Pt. 1, and go back to complete additional scenarios as you wish. After applying your skills, take your learnings to your own projects to use nudging to assist in your research translation goals.
- Practice identifying a behavioral change, selecting the appropriate nudge and implementing it in a simulation scenario.
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