Author - jeff

Featured Members From Our Network

Below are three members we thought you might want to connect with. You can find all our members by searching by sector or location on the LASER PULSE network page. Kipkoech, Carolyne Member Preferred Email: Member Website: Institution: Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Position at Insitution: Research Scientist/Post Doctoral Associate Research Publication Title: John Kinyuru Carolyne Kipkoech 2018 Production and growth parameters...

Learning about barriers and opportunities to practitioner-researcher collaborations in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi (Vietnam)

Image- Hanoi, Vietnam: Air Pollution is one of the topic areas of the Vietnam R4D Conference. Alexandra Towns (CRS)  The LASER PULSE consortium met with researchers and practitioners in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi in December to discuss their experiences with research collaborations and research translation. Discussions focused on the topical areas of air and...

LASER-CGDV Colombia Hackathon

LASER PULSE is conducting a data visualization hackathon in collaboration with the Center for Global Data Visualization (an initiative of QED), the USAID Mission in Colombia, Data Elevates, and Tableau. More than 220 students from at least 9 universities (including Purdue, Notre Dame, and 5 universities in Colombia) worked in teams of 2-4 people to produce informative data...

Ethiopia Conference on Research for Development

A LASER PULSE Research for Development (R4D) Conference is planned to take place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in May 2020. The conference will focus on (1) Youth Development, and (2) Resilience, with a theme "Partnerships for Research and Field Practice on Development Solutions." The conference will convene 100-120 participants (researchers and practitioners) from Ethiopian universities, NGOs,...

Vietnam Conference on Research for Development

LASER PULSE has unfortunately had to postpone its February 18-20, 2020 Research for Development (R4D) Conference in Vietnam due to concerns with the coronavirus outbreak. Encouraged by our strong partnerships in and interest from Vietnam, we will reschedule this event targeting the Fall of 2020. We will continue to monitor the situation and will...

LASER PULSE Call for Applications for Colombia Now Open

LASER PULSE Consortium is pleased to announce that the Request for Application (RFA) for Colombia is now open and accepting Concept Notes until Friday, March 13, 2020 at 5:00PM Colombia time. The RFA calls for innovative research and associated research translation with NGOs/civil society focused on development challenges within three development sectors:     Youth,...

Research for Development (R4D) Conferences: What are they and why are they important?

LASER PULSE wants to see researchers working on development problems. For example, we want to figure out how to provide jobs for young people in places around the world where youth unemployment is high. We want to make sure these young people don’t feel that they have to resort to violence because they have...

Tusome: Early-Grade Reading Program

University of Nairobi, Makerere University-ResilientAfrica Network (RAN) and Catholic Relief Services under the Long-Term Assistance and Services for Research (LASER) – Partner University-Led Solutions Engine (PULSE) program conducted a case study of the Kenya early grade reading program,  Tusome (“let us read” in Kiswahili’’). The goal of the study was to outline the key...

Announcing the Research for Development (R4D) Conference in Vietnam

Between Feb. 18-20, Indiana University and the LASER PULSE Consortium will convene its third R4D Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam, covering (1) Air & Water Pollution and (2) Private Sector and SME Competitiveness. This conference will help participants identify gaps in and understand best practices from academics and practitioners in translating research into development outcomes. Conference...

Why Partner to Translate Research

We in LASER PULSE, intend to change the way research influences practice. In our experience, early and active collaborations to translate research are the most effective means to ensure that crucial and innovative research can turn into real, on-the-ground outcomes in development. When we talk about research translation, we mean partnership between researchers and practitioners that...

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