Author - jeff

The Voices of the Indigenous Peoples of Uganda: A Buy-In Opportunity from USAID

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Uganda is partnering with USAID/LAB/Centre for Development Research (CDR) to leverage the expertise of Ugandan universities and researchers to undertake development research that will inform subsequent interventions by USAID/Uganda to strengthen the voices of Uganda’s indigenous peoples.  By working with the local universities, the Mission seeks to...

Ethiopian Practitioner KIIs

The LASER PULSE consortium conducted key informant interviews with eight Ethiopian practitioners virtually in June and July 2020. Representatives from Catholic Relief Services and The University of Notre Dame were unable to visit Ethiopia due to the pandemic, and instead conducted the interviews via videoconference. The individuals interviewed represented four INGOs, two government institutions,...

Program Director’s Message

Dear LASER Network Members, There are now more than 1,952 of you, from 54 countries. We thank you for joining our network. Our vision for this virtual space is to provide a community where you can meet up professionally and learn. A kind of mix between Research Gate and, where you can learn about...

June 2020 Update

Dear LASER PULSE Network Colleagues, We at LASER, like probably all of you, have been working remotely since mid-March. Perhaps for the first time in history, all around the world we have been responding to protect ourselves from a pandemic at the same time and in mostly the same ways. The interconnectedness of the political...

Updates on R4D Workshops in Vietnam and Ethiopia

Earlier this year, the COVID-19 crisis caused the postponement of LASER R4D Workshops in Hanoi, Vietnam and in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Indiana University, the lead consortium partner for these events, has been working closely with the LASER team, regional partners, and USAID to re-envision and reschedule these important gatherings. Planning efforts will maintain a...

New Templates available for Research Translation

The LASER PULSE Research Translation team is excited to present templates and tools now available to Network Members. These resources are intended to directly support research translation projects by addressing critical areas in knowledge, understanding, and implementation. View the tools below or on our website to see what would be helpful to you in your research...

Research and Research Translation Capacity in sub-Saharan Africa Higher Education Institutions

As one of its core activities, the Long-term Assistance and Services for Research (LASER) – Partner University-Led Solutions Engine (PULSE) initiative conducted a research capacity assessment in partner Universities/Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The assessment targeted low and middle-income country institutions. Makerere University, a LASER-PULSE consortium member led this assessment which identified barriers and opportunities to research...

Observing research translation in action through a virtual workshop: An example from Northern Iraq

On May 20, 2020 Juan Posada-Burbano facilitated a research translation strategy workshop to establish a shared understanding of the knowledge gaps addressed early on in the research project. The discussion at the end of the workshop focused on how to identify practitioner stakeholders, incentivize deep collaboration, and how to disseminate research results and products to...

LASER-CGDV Colombia Hackathon Results

LASER PULSE, in collaboration with QED, Data Elevates, Tableau, and the USAID Mission in Colombia, is pleased to announce the winners of our data visualization hackathon.  The past few months have shown us the added importance of data analysis and data visualization in international development, and we want to thank everyone who participated in...

Teaming Science

L. Michelle Bennett, Ph.D., did her postdoctoral fellowship in the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) IRP, where she was part of the team that characterized and localized the human BRCA1 gene to the long arm of chromosome 17. She became passionate about understanding the characteristics of successful research team functioning and collaboration when she...

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