Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance South Sudan MYE Impact Evaluation

Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance South Sudan MYE Impact Evaluation

Project Description

Research Team


Lila Kumar Khatiwada
Lila Kumar Khatiwada
Senior Research Associate Position
Pulte Institute, University of Notre Dame


Madhav Joshi
Madhav Joshi
Research Professor
Keough School of Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame

Project Information


Sector: Emergency

Country: South Sudan

Lead Institution: University of Notre Dame   

Co-PI Institution:    University of Notre Dame

Partner(s):       Resilient African Network (RAN), Uganda

                        Gender Equity Women’s Leadership Program (GEWLP), South Sudan

Project Length: 3 years

Research Objective:

The research/evaluation team will seek to answer the following evaluation questions through a rigorous process:

  • What is the impact of the activity on household food and nutrition security?
  • What is the impact of the activity on households’ ability to mitigate and recover from shocks and stresses (conflict or climate related)?
  • What is the impact of the activity on building community resilience?
  • What value does the multi-year emergency activity add compared to a typical ~12 month activity?
  • What are the added advantages of layering MYE activities with other USAID emergency, non-emergency, and resilience activities?
  • Are MYE interventions cost effective?

Project Description:

USAID’s Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) pursued a pilot multi-year emergency (MYE) project under the premise that longer-term emergency interventions, in certain circumstances, can help populations move beyond relief assistance to longer-term recovery. MYE activities may also mitigate the impact of shocks, prevent the erosion of household assets and livelihoods, and accelerate recovery—contributing to the future resilience of affected households and communities. These MYE activities have the potential to provide a critical link between humanitarian and development programs, and rigorous evaluation can contribute to the evidence base for effectively designing and implementing multi-year emergency activities.

The purpose of this evaluation is to measure the impact of the Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance’s (BHA) MYE emergency activity in beneficiary communities of South Sudan that are prone to both natural and man-made disasters. Led by University of Notre Dame, this evaluation brings experts from ResilientAfrica Network (RAN) and Gender Empowerment and Women Leadership Program (GEWLP) in South Sudan to develop and implement the evaluation.


Project Details

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