POKET – An out of the box tool for researchers to deploy their own crowdsourcing engagements
POKET is an out of the box tool for researchers to deploy their own crowdsourcing engagements. The focus is on projects that can benefit from self-reported data, high-frequency data capture, citizen-generated data, participatory mapping or community-driven insights. POKET retrofits their suite of mobile and desktop tools so researchers can generate location-specific insights in a community, while rewarding them back in the process. The solution largely focuses on the Global South (ex. Africa, South [East] Asia, South America, LATAM, etc.) and is optimized for low-cost Android devices.
Some examples include high-frequency feedback on an intervention, site reporting, or perceptions towards public services. It can also be used to map tangible things/places like SMEs, healthcare outlets, public assets, infrastructure, building damage, commodity prices, mask-wearing observations during COVID-19, etc.
POKET is a part of MIT’s SOLVE program in Boston, is an official partner of ESRI, recipients of the Top 30 Under 30 Developer Award, and presented at the United Nations General Assembly for their technology’s impact on SDGs 8 (Decent Work) and 9 (Infrastructure/Innovation). The POKET team is keen to connect with researchers and developmental practioners across the LASER network who may be interested in deploying this tool for their research. For more information, feel free to reach out to kamil@poketapp.com.
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