LASER-CGDV Colombia Hackathon
LASER PULSE is conducting a data visualization hackathon in collaboration with the Center for Global Data Visualization (an initiative of QED), the USAID Mission in Colombia, Data Elevates, and Tableau. More than 220 students from at least 9 universities (including Purdue, Notre Dame, and 5 universities in Colombia) worked in teams of 2-4 people to produce informative data visualizations of the Venezuelan Migration Crisis in Colombia, which follows up on LASER’s research for development (R4D) conference held on 1-2 October 2019 in Bogotá, Colombia. More than 75 teams registered to compete.
The specific objective of the hackathon is to engage students in contributing to international development solutions via insightful data visualizations that are of use to USAID-Colombia and LASER PULSE. The actual competition period was from February 13 to March 6; currently the submissions are being judged by a panel of experts, and awards for the top 3 entries will be made at the Purdue Shah Family Global Innovation Lab’s I2D Expo on April 2, 2020.
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