LASER PULSE Call for Applications for Colombia Now Open
LASER PULSE Consortium is pleased to announce that the Request for Application (RFA) for Colombia is now open and accepting Concept Notes until Friday, March 13, 2020 at 5:00PM Colombia time. The RFA calls for innovative research and associated research translation with NGOs/civil society focused on development challenges within three development sectors:
- Youth, specifically, workforce/talent development and financial capital for entrepreneurship;
- Venezuela migration response, specifically research to inform policy for Venezuelan migration response and sustainable approaches/strategies for migration response; and
- Integrated rural development, specifically security and safety mechanisms and policy implementation plans.
For more information, please see visit the LASER PULSE website for Colombia RFA (or go to
To help applicants understand the eligibility guidelines and the application process, LASER PULSE consortium staff held a one and half hour bilingual (Spanish and English) webinar on Thursday, February 27, 2020. The recording for the webinar is available at this link (or go to, then click on the “webinar tab” and access the video. Webinar slides and a supplement to frequently asked questions are available for applicants’ reference at this link on the LASER PULSE website.
NOTE: The deadline for Concept Note submission is 5:00 PM Colombia time (4:00 PM U.S. Eastern Daylight Time) on Friday, 13 March 2020.
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